Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Thanks, " Guest "

Aiyor... I always laugh when I see that guest comment me on my shoutbox
Well... He just cursed me to be lonely for the rest of my life, and add on the dirty word...
Don't always curse my la...

I feel weird...
Somebody who didn't tell you who he is and comment to you publicly said that you are liar and said you make him suffer... Keep annoying you by such childish comments...
I already told him to PM me that tell me who he is and how I make him suffer...
Serious leh, he said I make him suffer...
But he don't want to, and said that it is not sufficient to apologies...
Aduiii... about the Thailand movie? not that serious make you suffer gua?

Thank you la, guest...
You make me laugh...

But, you can stop doing that, kind a silly and childish...
Remember what you said last time, don't let it end up with you are pointing yourself...

1 comment:

Chris said...

long time didn;t visit u. Happy CNY 2 u ya..