Saturday, October 31, 2009

18 days to go -- when the number......

...... start with 1, but the following is not 2 digits!
Arghh~ I wish it could be 3 digits...
190 days left?
stop dreaming!

Today I woke up late in the morning because I watched " The exorcism of Emily Rose " on AXN in the midnight, slept at 3.30 am... Haha!

Well... wope up, bath and have my breakfast...
I should go for my revision...
Damn now I'm sleepy!
What a nice weather for us to sleep...
Stop raining please...

What for today?
My chinese homework not completely done yet...
My moral exercise not done yet...

Let it be!
Hope I will be fully concerntrate on my study today...
Hopefully my family won't make any noisy today, especially my little brother...
Any idea to make him stop when he is crying?

Friday, October 30, 2009

19 days to go -- Start?

For all sitting for SPM students...
20 days left for we all to prepare all what we study and getting to " fight " for it!
Everybody was giving hope for these...
From kindergarden to primary school, from primary school to secondary school then before go for the society, all was depend on the SPM result!

For me...
Hmm~ Actually my result in trial 2 is bad... DISASTER!!!
I'm not ashame to show my result here... Ermm... Should I shame on it??

Based on my school standard
Bahasa Melayu - 55 ( C+ )
Bahasa Inggeris - 65 ( B+ )
Bahasa Cina - 67 ( B+ )
Pendidikan Moral - 46 ( D )
Matematik - 62 ( B )
Matematik Tambahan - 26 ( G )
Sejarah - 18 ( G )
EST - 61 ( B )
Fizik - 44 ( E )
Kimia - 27 ( G )
Biologi - 24 ( G )

I know I know this is the worst result that you ever seen...
Now I have to fight for it too!

Hope so...

I have to fight for the weakest first
and arrange my " schedule "...

See what will going to be on my SPM result
Will it change?
Better or Worst than that??

Sunday, October 4, 2009


夜深了, 我还没睡
安静地看, 了解电影情节来的更深, 更能投入电影里面的情绪...

深夜里, 躺在房间里的床上对着天花板发呆...
想来想去, 还不是想念某某人
不知道为什么, 我总是在深夜里特别想念人

没有msn, 没有sms, 没有Facebook...
我最多能做的事情, 就是思念

不管怎么样, 深夜里的我仿佛不是原来的我...
其实我也可以有人格分裂嘛! 哈哈!
白天很深夜, 两个不同的时间造就不同的我...

或许深夜的时间是让我可以放下所有的坚强,向 "安静" 发泄...

Saturday, October 3, 2009


之前看过泰国同志电影 [ 暹罗之恋 ],

" 爱一个人, 就要承受离别的那一天,
我们可以活着, 而不去爱一个人吗? "

我很怕失去, 尤其是一种关系...
亲情, 友情, 爱情...

我们是因为太依赖他们的存在, 还是习惯有他们的陪伴?
失去了, 是害怕寂寞, 还是思念之前曾经所拥有的快乐?

当感情逐渐变淡的时候, 我似乎可以感觉到,甚至是预言到我跟他之间的友情即将结束...
或许他可能真的很忙碌, 或许他已经没有兴趣, 或许他已经...
很多个或许, 我可能都意想不到...

我该感谢上帝, 感谢上帝在我难过,无助的时候派来的守护者吗?
还是他就是一个一时的缘分, 在你的生命里逗留一会儿的乘客?
或许失去, 也是一种缘分?