Monday, October 27, 2008

mother love

I've just watch Taiwan show " Top Topics "
I love to watch it coz there was so many topics that I can learn there...

The topic that I watched just now is about mother love...
3 female artists brought their mother to the show and talk about the past or the importance of their mother in their life, how close the relationship they are...

They almost make me cry!
I can cry if my sister not watch with me...
I attached importance the relationship between family the most...
So...whether the movie, story about family...I will cry...

Mother plays very importance characters in our life...
Sometines they are annoying...
But...come on!
Who's mother didn't bothered you of doing everything?
I love my mother...
Although I always hate she always hurry me from doing anything...

Think about when you're mother not besides you...
Maybe you are not in accordance with your filial duty so you don't miss her.
But maybe your mother does!
This is the situation and a tableau that make me cry when there're appear on my mind...

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