Friday, October 31, 2008
Over again...Doo doo doo doo~~~
I am so happy about that!
It's took my 3 weeks!
and 4 nights I can't sleep well...
Now finally these will not going to happen...
Today I had my Chinese paper 2,
nothing special about that, just a little hard...
But there's a situation that freakin me!
Ing Hong went up stairs to call Alvin get down to have his exam,
but he said he don't want and want to sleep...
OMG ! how dare he said like that?!
So my Chinese teacher went upstairs to call him down...
Then I saw him came and sat in front of me...
The exam took 2 hours and 15 minutes,
I saw him done in just 30 minutes and sleep on the table...
There's something that I really want to retch!
He sleep until slobbered his paper!
Eww...Disgusting! Disaster!!!
I don't like his personality...Annoyed than the bitches...
Don't care about him...
Just look forward, coz no more exam after this and holidays coming over....
Start a new life!
Rock that!!!
over over over!!!!
Monday, October 27, 2008
mother love
I love to watch it coz there was so many topics that I can learn there...
The topic that I watched just now is about mother love...
3 female artists brought their mother to the show and talk about the past or the importance of their mother in their life, how close the relationship they are...
They almost make me cry!
I can cry if my sister not watch with me...
I attached importance the relationship between family the most...
So...whether the movie, story about family...I will cry...
Mother plays very importance characters in our life...
Sometines they are annoying...
But...come on!
Who's mother didn't bothered you of doing everything?
I love my mother...
Although I always hate she always hurry me from doing anything...
Think about when you're mother not besides you...
Maybe you are not in accordance with your filial duty so you don't miss her.
But maybe your mother does!
This is the situation and a tableau that make me cry when there're appear on my mind...
blog in Chinese
But it's all in Chinese...
As a Chinese person, something or some feeling that I just know how to describe in Chinese...not in English...
Another reason I create the Chinese blog is because Koh Sing lazy to read my blog by English...
It's hard...
I'm tired to create that...
Need to have Yahoo account first so that you can have your Wretch blog...
I need to sign up again...
Its took my 2 hours to done these...
The function inside is different with the Blogger...
I more love Blogger, because the arrangement here more simple than the complicated Wretch.
For those who would like to read my blog by using Chinese...
There's the link at " their link " ( under the yanzi-news and on top of the kokhua friendster)
Sunday, October 26, 2008
It Finally " Released "
It's very delicous especially the prawn ball...
And I had a food baby...
After that I back home and the first thing I want to do is online...
So I sign in msn then May find me and told me..............
Oh wait... !!
Before telling you what she want to tell me...
I want to tell you that the friendship between me and her were patched back!
So...She told me that the video that we took at Curtin finally uploaded from Inessa to youtube.
So happy!
When I play this video, my whole family watch it with me...
Shy shy a...
Friday, October 24, 2008
From 2 p.m to 10 p.m!
Well...I went there just for get prepare for my BM exam paper tomorrow...
Err.....much was talking other things lar...Hehehe...
I didn't sleep well from last Thursday untill today...
Last Thursday I didn't sleep whole night with study!
Then next day I answer my paper with my sleepy eyes...
Anyway, I saw my Chemistry paper 2 and paper 3 results today...
WORST !! 6 over of 100, 9 over of 40 marks...
I do not understand Chemistry...
So hard!
Don't even to think about my Mathematics paper today...
Can said that...It's blank...
But anyway again...
I have score my Physics in high marks! ( So Far from my past exam paper )
50 over of 100 in paper 2, and 35 over of 40 in paper 3...
How worst some of the subjects...
How I wish they fuck-off from me...
Confusing me and suffering me all the time!
Next week I don't want to stay up for my sweety nights again!
Because most are Paper 1, it's objective questions...
Answer them by my luck...
I really sleepy right now...
Have to snake away...
( snake's sound ) SSsss....
Sunday, October 19, 2008
Definition of 'LIKE'
' Do you like anybody now? '
' no ' I answered...
' What kind of girl you like? ' she asked again,
' Why? '
I always found out through my feel...
I just don't want like somebody who just want to couple couple...
Play some stupid puppy love...
It's meaningless...
Kinda funny that one of my friend said she love to eat ice-cream, so she dream she could marry the boss of ice-cream shop...
Is it possible that I also have to like a girl who sells honeydew because I love to eat honeydew?
Could it be said that I have to find a girl who look alike with Sun Yan Zi because I love Yanzi?
So funny...
It's up to feeling of affinity...
Now I'm enjoy with the heart-free...
And...I don't want to have the puppy love even a partner on this age...
See ' lenglui ' ( beautiful girl ) are things that I always do lar...haha!
Now I found out I love to see girl with short hair...
It's show their strong personality and beautiful, high fashion...
But if the hair cut was not suitable for her...
I will... ughh!!
Anyway...Many girls also cut this hairstyle
And some of them were beautiful too...
For me to decide she's beautiful with that?
I also up to my feeling with my first sight!
That's why I like her!
Is Holly Kiser from my previous post lar!
Who you think she is ? !
Holly Kiser
Such as America's next top model, So you think you can dance, Project runway...
Yesterday I just finish watched [ Make Me A Supermodel ] girl won!
She is Holly Kiser

First time I saw her I just don't like her hairstyle...
But her hair make me pay more attention on her
After she had a hair cut that a little boy hair...
I just think that is beautiful ! Isn't it?
I always think that she's not going to win...
But...She DID!!!
14 model are competing the competition...
10 were eliminated and 4 left are running up for Supermodel
and Holly was the only girl who fighting with other three guy...
Perry was eliminated and so does Ben, and they think Holly are not going to win...
But Americas have voted to make Holly as a Super Model!
She kick-off Ronnie too!

This is the dress she wear on her last runway walk...
Congratulation! Holly!
Saturday, October 18, 2008
画皮_Painted Skin
Thursday, October 16, 2008
Monday, October 13, 2008

I don't know how to answer my paper...
All blank...
I just don't get it...
My friends around me know how to answer questions...
And I just let my paper blank...
Jade got 90% the highest marks in additional mathematics in paper 2, Suk Ping got 55...
but me I think I don't get even 10!
' I don't care ! '
always spoke out from my mouth...
But...I still didn't feel well...
Study on last minutes also didn't get anything better lar...

Sunday, October 12, 2008
Saturday, October 11, 2008
He started to craw !
Then now he know how to craw!
Here's the video I took...
When do he know to stand and walk?
Friday, October 10, 2008
Betrayer ? HUH?
Go here and read what May wrote...
I don't know whether she hate me or mad at me or never look at me as a friend...
I'm betrayer?
What is your evidence that make you said I am the black sheep?
Did I tell you : May...I tell her your secret...
Do I?
How could she?
She just misunderstood me... (Maybe)
Ok...Let me tell the situation...
On the way to Biology lab...
I heard Tony and Jade conversation...
Tony : Fuck her lar...Why talk so much of that?
kokhua : What happened? Who you talking about?
Tony : This one lor...
( Tony give me a finger language that is letter of 'M'- May)
kokhua : who's that?
( May was right there...)
Tony : I tell you later...
(May gone...)
kokhua : You guys talk about May?
Tony : Definitely!
kokhua : ooo...
Then I didn't continue that topic again...
In the Biology lab...
I saw Atiya comfort May from the angry...
I was just joking and said : Don't bother her, she's emotional of love now...
Then she look at me like gotta kill me...
I hate someone look at me like that...
So I purposely show the whites of my eyes to her...
I thought she was madding and in bad mood...
But Atiya told me she angry at me too...
She said I'm talk bad thing about her with Jade and always fake in front of her...
Just now I saw her blog and talk about me that I'm the betrayer...
She didn't write my name, just write 'a boy', but I extremely know that was me...
I was very mad at that time and post my comment with add some harsh words...
I think she might be think that I angry her and will tell the secret to Jade...
No! I won't!
And I never!
Friends is included trustful...
I still take her as friend...
I still don't know what wrong I did?
It's really hard to be a middleman...
Shall I still take her as my friend?
She don't write my name in her friends list anymore...

Tuesday, October 7, 2008
Or we didn't listen to teachers...
By the way...
I have joined the conversation with Iness and Valerie that is talk about our childhood.
We were very happy with this topic.
From kindergarden to primary school...
Talk about what's our parent did to us when we are children...
That's memorable...
I've promised them to upload my child photo...
Don't laugh!!
I know I'm ' nerdd ' !!
Monday, October 6, 2008
I went to my room to get ready for sleep at 12 midnight but I can't fall asleep til 1 a.m. -2 a.m. and keep going to 3a.m.
The funniest thing is, the 'newspaper-sender' already send the newspaper to my house and I still didn't sleep...
Then I hace to wake up on 5 a.m. for my school...
Today I really tired and felt like my head so heavy...and dazedly!
So I sleep early about at 7 p.m. , But... I woke up at 10 p.m.
Don't know why...
Insomnolence? NO WAY!!
I had uploaded some photos on my blog...
You can check out on extremely right side...
Actually I don't really pleased with those coz looks kinda...mess ?
So...hopefully can see your comment about those photos in my shoutbox !
Thank Q !
Back to school !!
Whole body become slack...
Tomorrow school start...
Have to face the school gate, 'rall-call', teachers...
Then the next week having exam again!!

At least I can meet my lovely friends again...
Miss them a lot ! Although just 1 week no see... Long time, huh?

Friday, October 3, 2008
Raya with Innes !!
Almost whole day at Innes house...
The first time visit to my friend's house for Raya...
When we reach Innes house...
I saw Innes came out and call us : "Masuk sini donggg..."
So we went into her house...
Selamat Hari Raya !! -- to all her family.
We enjoy there with many biscuits and cakes...
OF course the rendang...
Until now I'm still miss that!
Help Innes to serve her guest...
Watching movie...
It's very enjoyable...
I just don't know how to describe...
Go to May's blog, you can find out more...